Assessing a Strategic Investment in AI-Powered Drone Technology for O&G Operations

Investment assessment for a mid-size O&G company operating in the Middle East and the US

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A mid-size O&G company operating in the Middle East and the US.

We were approached by the client to assess a potential investment in a Middle East drone company that is proposing drone inspection and preventative maintenance powered by AI, applicable to Production facilities and Pipelines. 

How We Helped

We performed due diligence on the company – assessing the overall drone market, the company’s assets, operations, teams, financial projections and customer/deal pipeline, leveraging on our proprietary insights as well as through focused interviews.

We also provided a valuation estimation of the company to provide our client with targeted insight for their deal negotiation. 

The Value We Created

The client was able to make a well-informed and confident investment decision after thoroughly evaluating the potential and strategic alignment with the target company. By conducting in-depth due diligence, they assessed the target’s growth prospects, market position, and synergy with their own long-term business goals. This careful analysis provided the client with a clear understanding of how the acquisition would enhance their competitive advantage and overall portfolio, ultimately leading to a strategic decision that aligned both financially and operationally with their future plans.