Enhancing Market Position Through Strategic Licensing

Convion, a leader in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and electrolyser (SOE) systems, sought to develop licensing models and optimize pricing. NovAzure helped create a customer-focused go-to-market strategy with tiered offers and supported licensing negotiations. This strengthened Convion’s IP protection and built a strong partnership network, accelerating growth and solidifying its market position.

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Convion is a technology leader in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and Solid Oxide Electrolyser (SOE) systems with proven track record in different installations.

Convion sought to develop licensing models for its SOE and SOFC products, aiming to establish price points that resonate with their customers and partners. They were also looking for support for ongoing customer negotiations, striving to secure the best possible deal terms.

“NovAzure provided us with timely and crucial advice about avoiding the pitfalls of poorly thought out licensing and partnership collaborations.”

How We Helped

We assisted Convion in formulating a licensing and business model strategy, tailoring a customer-centric go-to-market approach that includes tiered offers and diverse channels. Our collaboration involved crafting a pricing strategy and value-driven pricing solutions to maximise revenue, market share, and penetration. Additionally, we provided support for commercial licensing negotiations, helping Convion to navigate and secure favourable terms in their business engagements.

The Value We Created

The value created for Convion involved clearly defining target business and intellectual property (IP) models to ensure robust IP protection and control.

This included strategic software and supply chain management to create “stickiness,” enabling Convion to safeguard its innovations and maintain value over time.

Additionally, we helped build a strong, lasting commercial partnership network, which is key to accelerating sustained growth.

By fostering relationships with key industry players and suppliers, Convion strengthened its market position and enhanced its ability to scale in a competitive market.