NovAzure Consulting in partnership with Baker Botts and Global Corporate Venturing was proud to organise the first “Energy Meets Digital” event: The impact of Electric Vehicles on Energy Markets and Infrastructure. Many thanks to the panelists from BP, Cenex, IBM, Faraday Grid, Global Corporate Venturing and NovAzure Consulting for a lively debate, as well as to all the participants for a very engaging Q&A session. There is clearly a challenge lying ahead for the Energy Market to accommodate new demand driven by the surge of EVs. However this significant change will trigger also quite a number of opportunities. It was clear that players from the Energy, Mobility and Digital worlds will need to collaborate much more and closer together to ensure Energy Markets can support the EV market growth and the pace of change. Please stay tuned as we are organising our next event in our series “Energy meets Digital” with Baker Botts on the 17th of January on another interesting theme: What does Blockchain mean for the energy market?
EV Impact on Energy: Energy Meets Digital Event
NovAzure Consulting in partnership with Baker Botts and Global Corporate Venturing was proud to organise the first “Energy Meets Digital” event: The impact of Electric Vehicles on Energy Markets and Infrastructure.

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