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Typical Fundraising Challenges

Do you have a clear Use of Funds?

Investors will want to have a clear plan on how their investment will be used to catalyse development of the business, be that hiring the talent you need for sales or technical development, strengthening your IP or funding working capital as you go to market. A clear Use of Funds plan is key.

What is your Runway now and post funding?

Fundraising for an early stage technology business takes time and you can expect several rounds, as you scale up. It’s key then to have sufficient funds on hand to fund the business for 6-9 months, as you work through the process to raise new growth funding. That ensures that you have a stronger negotiating position. The Runway is also a key part of your Use of Funds plan, ensuring that you have sufficient working capital to fund the business for 18-24 months, before you think about the next Round.


It is important to explore all of the angles and whilst equity funding is the standard approach, it could be that there are other sources of funding available, such as lease financing, loans or project finance, R&D tax credits, grants, etc. Debt funding is usually easier for capital asset, hard-tech based businesses and we have helped clients to structure their offering to open up these opportunities. We also work with partners to support you in securing grants and R&D tax credits.


Valuing early stage businesses is more art than science, but it is, naturally, one area where investors focus. We have developed the tools needed to develop the valuation methodology and support a robust engagement with investors.

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